Robots That Act
My research equips robots to generate safer, more efficient movements and to learn motion patterns directly from human behaviour. My thesis research developed methods for robots to learn generalisable skills from human demonstrations and introduced a faster numerical integrator that enables efficient generation of trajectories from learned behaviour. I introduced a reactive motion generation framework capable of efficiently finding globally optimal trajectories while adapting to moving obstacles, and learning from past experiences. Additionally, I developed methods to speed up motion planning. My postdoctoral research further advanced this area by introducing approaches for robots to learn novel skills, spatial connections, and periodic motions, from human sketches.
Selected Papers:
Global and Reactive Motion Generation with Geometric Fabric Command Sequences. W. Zhi, I. Akinola, K. Van Wyk, N. Ratliff, F. Ramos. ICRA 2023.
Instructing Robots by Sketching: Learning from Demonstration via Probabilistic Diagrammatic Teaching. W. Zhi, T. Zhang, M. Johnson-Roberson. ICRA 2024.
Learning Efficient and Robust Ordinary Differential Equations via Invertible Neural Networks. W. Zhi, T. Lai, L. Ott, E. V. Bonilla, F. Ramos. ICML 2022.
Teaching Periodic Stable Robot Motion Generation Via Sketch. W. Zhi, T. Zhang, M. Johnson-Roberson. IEEE RA-L, 2024.
Parallelised Diffeomorphic Sampling-based Motion Planning. T. Lai, W. Zhi, T. Hermans, F. Ramos. CoRL 2021.